MI: Detroit Cops Raid an Innocent Family’s Home at Gunpoint on Bogus Sex-Trafficking Tip

In the high days of America’s militarized war on drugs, baseless and botched home raids have become a defining feature—with often disastrous consequences. Now we’re seeing the same sort of overzealous enforcement efforts in the fight against forced prostitution. This week, Detroit police raided an innocent family’s home after receiving a faulty sex-trafficking tip and then seeing two teens enter the house.

One of the teens was the family’s 13-year-old daughter, who lived there. She wound up face-down and handcuffed on the floor, along with the rest of her family, after cops cut through a locked gate outside the southwest Detroit home and entered with their guns drawn. Full Article

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“Shut up you have no rights”

And cops wonder why people are shooting at them in some cities.

The Hubris is reminiscent of Julius CaeSar in that it shocks both the human Subconscious & Conscious alike.

“Maria Navarete said the police told her to shut up and that she had no rights.”

“Everything that we did, I would see the officers executing the exact same way if we had to go again,” said Assistant Chief Arnold Williams.

Video Link:


I speak Truth

As Yehovah Lives, so should we

According to the law enforcement community the risk of having a cop shoot a child is worth saving an imaginary child. If they were not okay with this, they need to make an example of what NOT to do by immediately firing and potentially even jailing the cops who did this, the people who made false reports and the people who gave and signed the orders. Every time a cop protects their own, they are guilty as well. I hate the term Militarized because the real Military acts only on real intelligence, something our rogue militarized law enforcement does not.

This whole sex offender registry industry is just like the “war on drugs” epidemic that is the cause of US mass incarceration, through faulty intelligence, corrupted lawmakers that pass crazy laws, and propaganda to manipulate the public.


Overall I support the po po, but feel they should be held to a higher standard and face twice the penalty for violating the laws they’re sworn to uphold, especially when violating the civil rights of others. It infuriates me that the opposite holds true, however I was very happy when Lee Bacha caught a few years at Club Fed today. Maybe he and Mike “America’s Sherrif” Carona be cellies.

“Everything that we did, I would see the officers executing the exact same way if we had to go again,” said Assistant Chief Arnold Williams.

I gotta give the Chief credit for consistency. Consistently has no problem acting on unfounded or weakly supported information and “evidence”–such as a minor walking into a house.

Instead of propping up his officers, and department, for acting the same way in a future example, maybe a step back to look at their willingness to act on shoddy tips might be prudent. Oh wait, his department is perfect.

Sadly, it seems we need more and more abuses like this for them to stop. It’s only when the actions become so completely out of bounds that the public seems to react. Otherwise it usually becomes, “well, they must have been doing SOMEthing wrong, or else the police wouldn’t have acted.” Ahh, the good old days…